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No. Subject Views
54 Former President Barack Obama 16782
53 Former President George Bush 59082
52 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi 129236
» Former Special Envoy to NK Human Rights Jay Lefkowitz 35101
50 Former Senator John McCain, AZ 8439
49 Senator Robert Menendez, NJ 11747
48 Former Senator Sam Brownback, KS 7585
47 Senator Johnny Isakson, GA 88852
46 Former Senator Barbara Mikulski, MA 43064
45 Senator Benjamin Cardin, MA 114402
44 Former Senator Norm Coleman, MN 10439
43 Senator Lamar Alexander, TN 8038
42 Former Senator Bob Corker, TN 58588
41 Former Senator Jim Webb, VA 78026
40 Senator Patty Murray, WA 39538
39 Former Senator Herb Kohl, WI 8612
38 Former Congressman Howard Berman, CA 8495
37 Former Congressman Ed Pastor, AZ 12378
36 Former Congressman Edward Royce, CA 7672
35 Former Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, CA 10654
34 Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, CA 104693
33 Former Congresswoman Diane Watson, CA 100870
32 Congressman David Scott, GA 248411
31 Congressman Eliot Engel, NY 69733
30 Former Congressman Gary Ackerman, NY 9145
29 Former Congressman Joseph Crowley, NY 42685
28 Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, OH 12240
27 Congressman Tim Ryon, OH 89415
26 Former Congressman David Wu, OR 7093
25 Former Congressman John Tanner, TN 33003
24 Former Congressman John Culberson, TX 17249
23 Former Congressman James Moran, VA 10022
22 Former Congressman Frank Wolf, VA 7997
21 Ambassador Robert King to NK Human Rights 61073
20 Congresswoman Grace Meng, NY 4552
19 Congressman Robert Pittenger, NC 5090
18 Former Congressman Scott Garrett, NJ 4630
17 Congressman Louie Gohmert, TX 105414
16 Former Congressman Kerry Bentivolio, MI 48607
15 Former Congressman Charles Rangel, NY 4556
14 Congressman John Carter, TX 4562
13 Congressman Charles "Dutch" Ruppersberger, MD 4626
12 Congressman Rob Woodall, GA 6531
11 Former Congressman Steve Israel, NY 4573
10 Former Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, MD 4572
9 Senator Roger Wicker, MS 17195
8 Former Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL 4756
7 Former Congressman Joe Pitts, PA file 7784
6 Congressman Bill Pascrell, NJ 4716
5 Former Ambassador to NK Human Rights Robert King 63244